Thursday, March 31, 2011

Other Happenings at the Carnaval of San Pedro Cholula

  My friend just showed me this video of the Carnaval that I went to and put videos up from, and I feel incredibly lucky. Obviously we felt a sense of danger, but ignored it for the sake of having a good time at the Carnaval, but there was definitely evidence of possible not-so-nice results. Seeing this was really humbling, because we were pretty close to some rifles too, and it definitely could have happened to any of us.
  So, not to depress everyone, but this just goes to show how lucky we are!

  This 20 year old guy wandered a lottle too close to the rifles, and ended up dying, unfortunately.

1 comment:

  1. Cullen My goodness, what happened. Could you explain the situation a little more. Stay safe man and thanks for the kind words on the marathon.
