Tuesday, January 18, 2011

YouTube Culture

All righty, as we all know, there are some cultural prerequisites if you want to be a competent teenager in the world today, and one of those prerequisites is having viewed a large amount of stuff on YouTube. Obviously, as even those from previous generations have experienced, the uncomfortable sensation of not getting a cultural reference or quote is not fun. However, the cultural pool has A. been expanded and B. become a lot less highbrow.

For those interested in catching up on American YouTube culture, i would recommend www.youshouldhaveseenthis.com, a primer on all that crazy stuff floating around the web.

In Mexico, there exists a YouTube culture too, as I was pleased to find out! Here are some basics

Here we have "La caida de Edgar", or basically, Edgar Falls. i saw this quite awhile ago, but the experience has been vastly enriched by the ability to understand the various swear words that he yells.

The important ones:
Pendejo: Dumbass, idiot, useless (It comes from the Latin word for "butthole hair")
Gato: Cat, literally, but in this sense it's more like gay
Naco: Low-class, uneducated, rude, ill-mannered, poor

This video is also funny because of the absurdly thick Norteño accents, think of how we Yankees view Texas accents.

Here is another great one

"Me amarraron como puerco", or "They Tied Me Up Like a Pig"

This guy was stopped on the street for some reason or another, and subsequently questioned by TV cameras before the cops. I don't question it, because he undoubtedly tells them things he wouldn't have told the police, and in better style too, according to me

The punchline is usually yelling La Canaca! which the man claims is an important social club to which either he or his father belongs, no one is sure. The other great line is "Soy el hijo del papa",  or "I'm the son of the father". It doesn't make any more sense in Spanish.

Enjoy the cross cultural understanding!

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